Psyllids are little bugs that suck on eucalypts. They form a sweet covering over them called a lerp. Some birds - like pardalotes - eat the psyllids and so they never become a problem. But Bell Miners "farm" the psyllids by just eating the sweet lerps and the psyllids end up killing the tree :(
Friendly huntsman - always around!
Some kind of St Andrew's cross spider
A jewel spider (Austracantha minax) - I love these ones! So cute and pretty. Apparently it's sometimes called a Christmas spider.
16/2/2018 - a very shiny stag beetle
Worms, etc.
“Many thanks for your email and attached excellent video of Caenoplana dubia (Dendy, 1892). The specific name "'dubia'' meaning ''uncertain'', was given to this species because it resembles two other similarly striped species, C. hoggii and C. sulphurea. However on close examination it is quite different to these two species. Caenoplana dubia was first recorded near Narre Warren in South Gippsland, and I have also found it in the Gembrook area. It has also been reported on Bowerbird in this general area. The Bunyip record is most interesting as it is so far the most westerly record though still within the Gippsland region. Please can you ask your correspondent whether the species was found in native habitat, or as the photo suggests, on a strawberry? Also have they seen others in the area? I am anxious to obtain a specimen(s) for DNA/morphological analysis and am happy to send them a preservation kit if the specimen was collected on their property and if they are willing to look for, collect and send me a specimen please.”
It was actually on my car bonnet, not a strawberry! We finally found some more in our wood pile in 2021. I stuck some in a jar with a bit of dirt and gave them to Josh to drop off at the museum!
15/5/2019 Praying mantis
17/5/2019 Lacewing eggs
The power of termites - this was the inside of a tree that fell over.
Things in trees: Some fat grub that we often find inside tree trunks! Will turn into some kind of moth no doubt.
22/5/17 The giant Batwing or White Stemmed Gum Moth (Chelepteryx collesi) and its enormous caterpillar (the spikes will stick in your hand and hurt!!
3/12/18 Greengrocer Cicada (Cyclochila australasiae). We definitely have another tiny black one too. And while I find the tiny shells every year, I haven't managed a photo yet! I thought it was a black prince, but apparently they are much further north. Maybe it's a yellowbelly?
30/10/2016 Imperial Jezebel butterfly. Apparently they hang their crysalis in the mistletoe!
Unknown Dragonflies. We get lots in the Summer.
Bees & wasps
4/10/20 Leioproctus or Lasioglossum (Parasphecodes) Native bee
30/10/20 Female Halictid
9/21 Another bee? or fly? not sure.
Parasyrphus, & some other wasps I think! They all really like my plastic greenhouse!