24/9/16 & 21/9/19 Early Nancy found out close to the road with some tall sundew and button everlasting. Male and female flowers.
5/10/16 A pretty lily popped up between the chocolate and flax lilies today. Twining Fringe Lily (Thysanotus patersonii). 15/10/20 - Saw it again today after years of not seeing it! Not sure if it doesn't flower for long, or it doesn't flower every year, or I'm just not looking closely enough!
22/10/16 Milkmaids (Burchardia umbellata) 30/10/20 - Found some on the nature strip
Native Bluebell (Wahlenbergia stricta)
30/10/16 A smaller one that is also called Native Bluebell (Wahlenbergia gracilis)
Chocolate Lily (Arthropodium strictum s.l.). It really smells like chocolate too! 10/10/15
Another Flax-lily (possibly Dianella tasmanica?) 10/12/16. It is much taller, flowers later, has rounder petals and no black on the anthers when compared to the Black-anther.
10/12/16 Common fringe lily (Thysanotus tuberosus) - this one was quite tall and had a lot more fringe.
Yellow Rush Lily (Tricoryne elatior) 31/12/2015. Lots around in January